A lot of people asked me to talk about English learning,since I'm not an expert on this.So this video is just an example of how to apply the learning principles I mentioned so far.But first,I want you to watch several video clips.
If someone explained everything about this trick and I got it,can I do this as well?Again,can I do this and this?I don't think so.And languages are just like sports.
提问 技巧掌握
We can understand everything the teacher explains,but still cannot speak it without practicing.
说明 隐性知识
Knowledge,like sports instruments is called unconscious or implicit knowledge.We only need two principles for this kind of knowledge.
First,define direct input and output.There four English skills,so need to decide which one you want to enhance.Then learn it from a lot of different examples to receive the connections in your brain.
评价 错误做法
Each example is a pair of the input and corresponding output,only two principles,and we doing all wrong.For listening skill,a common mistake is to read subtitles.
2 学习误区解析
说明 毕业背景
Truth be told,I never graduated from college,
and this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation.Because if you read the subtitles while listening to English,you're going to learn a different kind of knowledge,whose input is the combination of voice and subtitles,which cannot be used when the subtitles are missing.This mistake is caused by the wrong input.
Another one caused by the wrong output is only listening to a paragraph but do not know the meaning of it,which means you don't even have the corresponding output.No matter how hard you practice,you'll learn nothing.
3 学习阶段与方法
提问 学习英语
The question most people are interested in would be how to learn English from scratch.
信息 学习阶段
When working out in the gym,we will have several stages,and we also have different stages for learning English,because some type of knowledge like grammar is built on the top of phrases.
说明 简化解释
I don't want to make it too complex.So for now,I will just tell you the easiest way to implement.为照顾完全没有基础的人,这里我还是换成中文来揭释。
How did it feel to you?Let me think,don't think,feel.It is like a finger pointing away to the moon.Don't concentrate on the finger,or you will miss all that heavenly glory.Do you understand?